The Journal of Physical Education Sports and Allied Disciplines (JPESAD) is a bi-annual National Journal being published in the month of January and July by Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University, Chennai. This University is established by the State Government of Tamil Nadu for promoting Physical Education and Sports in this Nation by imparting both teaching and coaching to achieve excellence and to bring laurels to this Nation. The prime aim of JPESAD is to encourage pure and applied research in the field of Physical Education Sports and allied sciences and to encourage and enhance the writing skills of physical education and sports professionals. The JPESAD accept research and review articles in all aspects of physical education, sports and allied sciences.

The Manuscripts can be sent to The Editor, Journal of Physical Education Sports and Allied Disciplines, Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University, Melakottaiyur, Chcnnai-600 127. e-mail:

The guidelines for preparing the manuscript are given below.

  • All manuscripts must be submitted in English only.
  • Two hard copies (print out) with a soft copy of the entire manuscript shall be submitted online see(Submit Article menu in the University website) typed in Microsoft Word form should be submitted.
  • The Author(s) should give declaration that the manuscript is simultaneously not submitted or already not accepted or has not been published elsewhere. The format of declaration form is available in the Journal. Without declaration the manuscript will not be accepted for review.
  • The Editorial Board reserves all the rights to accept, alter or reject the articles without any prior intimation.
  • Article must confirm to the format and technical details of JPESAD.
  • Each manuscript must contain Title followed by Author’s Name, Designation and Institution.
  • Title: All principal words must be in capital Eg. Effect of Suryanamaskar on Flexibility among School Boys
  • Abstract: The abstract should be in single paragraph about 150 words, typed in single space with Bookman Old font style with 10 point font size. It should be a concise summary of purpose, methodology and key results.
  • Key words: Following the abstract the authors should furnish the keywords not more than eight words that represent the content of the manuscript with Bookman Old font style with l0 point font size. All first letters in capital.Eg. Progressive resistance training, Circuit training,
  • Following the keywords the manuscripts must he accompanied by Introduction, Purpose of Study, Hypothesis, Review of Literature, Methodology, Results & Discussion, Findings / Conclusion and References.
  • All the above said manuscript contents except abstract should he typed in double- space with hanging indent a 1.5inch margin on all sides on 8.5x11 paper (A4 sheet) and the font type should be Bookman Old style with 12point font size. Generally manuscripts should be 6-7pages, including tables, figures and references.
  • Heading : All headings in Bold and principal letters in capital Eg. Review of Related Literature;
  • All the tables should be numbered consecutively in Roman Numerals (eg. 1, II, III,...) at the top centre and it is followed by appropriate title.

    Table: Bold, T- Capital Eg. Tabled
  • Figures & Graphs: It should be numbered in Arabic numerals (eg. 1, 2, 3..) at the top centre followed by title. Figure: F-Capital Eg. Figure-1
  • Reference APA Citation Style – 6 th Ed.The Reference list should be typed in alphabetical order.
  • Book: Last name, first initial. (year). Title. City of Publication: Press.
  • Eg: Broadway, B. (2002). Pink houses and family taverns. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
  • Journal Article: Eg. Robert, A. (2000). Effect of Suryanamaskar on flexibility among school boys. Journal of Physical Education Sports and Allied Disciplines, 1(2), 5-10.
  • E-Journal Article with DOI: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, Vol(No), pp—pp. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx
  • Robert, A. (2000). Effect of suryanamaskar on flexibility among school boys. Journal of Physical Education Sports and Allied Disciplines, 1(2), 5-10. Doi:xxxxxxxxx
  • E-Journal Article without DOI: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., Author, C. C., Author, D. D., Author, D. D., Author, E. E., … Author, F. F. (year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, Vol(No), pp—pp. Retrieved from URL
    Eg. Robert, A. (2000). Effect of suryanamaskar on flexibility among school boys. Journal of Physical Education Sports and Allied Disciplines, 1(2), 5-10. Retrieved from
  • E-Journal Article with DOI  Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, Vol(No), pp—pp. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx
  • All sources cited in the manuscript alone; be listed in the; reference in alphabetical order. The names in the references and body of the; manuscript should match.
  • The submitted manuscripts are reviewed by experts. The page cost should be sent in the form of DD drawn in favour of The Registrar, Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University payable at Chennai.
  • The reviewed article will be send to the first author for correction if any by e-mail. The corrected final version should be submitted in hard and soft copy within seven days to the Editor.
  • Adequate care should be taken for language and the manuscript, should be clear and concise. The Editorial Board Accepts no Responsibility of the Statements and the Opinions Expressed by the Contributors.